The Beginnings

She started her career as a community manager in the social sector, designing educational services for schools and libraries. Meanwhile, she developed her passion for designing and managing events. She worked with a PR and event agency and attends courses to learn from the best professionals in the field. After all, it’s 2011, and in this decade, professions that hadn’t been considered until recently, such as wedding planner or event designer, are becoming more widespread. For a few years, she gathered a variety of collaborations that allowed her to gain experience in marketing, events, education, cultural promotion, customer care and tourism.

Later she began to work on a cultural and tourist project from the very beginning: the enhancement of Villa Medici del Vascello, a 15th century historic villa in the province of Cremona, in the heart of the Po Valley, once the residence of the Lady with the Ermine, portrayed by Leonardo da Vinci.

The Villa Medici del Vascello Project

For Villa Medici del Vascello, she created the brand identity from scratch, as well as the working team and public relations, and over the years became responsible for all areas of activity, from guided tours to private events, from didactics to relations with the press.
This project for the promotion of culture and tourism has fascinated her, and she has specialised herself as a Project Manager, with results that have come to this provincial town rather unexpectedly and that have been reported in many newspapers: Villa Medici del Vascello, just five years after its opening to the public, will be the first building in Lombardy to be included in the Circuit of the Castles of Parma, Piacenza and Pontremoli, the largest reality promoting castles in Italy. Two years later, in 2021, even the President of the Lombardy Region, Attilio Fontana, decided to visit Villa Medici del Vascello, fascinated by the bright path of tourist development that has brought it into the limelight.


Convinced that innovative ideas can only be brought to life with fresh eyes, Laura loves to travel, which led her to follow tourism projects in the United States, taking care of their image and storytelling, in order to start her own tourism business in the Canary Islands.
Today, Laura is dedicated to consultancy, training and dissemination activities on tourism and cultural management.
On her Instagram page, she shares useful tips for those working in the tourism and culture sector, because new insights are definitely needed to attract visitors.


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