Online Courses

Training for workers and enthusiasts.


Designed for anyone working in the culture and tourism sectors, or wishing to do so, who wants to learn the tools and techniques for enhancing a regional area, or an individual cultural or tourism organization that will be trained by a culture and tourism manager with experience.
Online courses focusing on different elements of careers in culture and tourism: from the steps to create a successful cultural project to the functions of public administrations; from the tricks to create a territorial network to support a tourism project to the tools to set up a welcome protocol for your destination that will leave a memorable impression.

– to increase your skills and juggle more confidently in business tasks.

– to bring innovative ideas to the cultural or tourist organisation you are working for

– to enrich your CV, making it more interesting



A real support path in your project


Designed for public entities, private foundations and associations working in the cultural and tourism sectors who feel they need a consultant to help them:

– to improve their efficiency by introducing a management approach

– to improve their image in the eyes of the public, the press and the territory in which they operate

– to integrate new areas of activity such as events for private individuals, educational activities, specific events for the local community

– to support and coordinate their staff working in the cultural or tourism sector.


A coaching process designed around the client’s needs and developed over a period of 6 to 12 months through a calendar of online calls with administrators, staff or collaborators that will change the mindset of the cultural or tourism organisation, leading it to the desired result or putting it on the right track.

– Because it is a way of improving the autonomy of the cultural or tourism organisation.

– Because it focuses on one or more of the cultural or tourism organisation’s weaknesses, identified by the client or jointly, during an initial cognitive interview.

– Because it can help the cultural or tourism organisation not to lose its bearings during a period of transition, for example between two administrations or boards of directors, or during a period of change.



Get a workshop tailored to your needs.


Designed for tourism promotion organisations, private foundations, LAGs, associations that are committed to territorial marketing and wish to offer workshops to cultural and tourist operators.

Training workshops aimed at a wide audience of insiders (tour operators, museum operators, hoteliers, tourist office staff, tourist guides, etc.), providing them with the tools to better welcome tourists, create an original, dynamic and diversified destination offer and thus build a network of cooperation with cultural and tourist operators.

– because providing operators with common tools allows them to work on a common idea of territory

– because the tourist processes a unique idea of the area, which therefore needs to be enhanced in a homogeneous manner

– because having competent cultural and tourist operators is the best way to increase the tourist appeal.



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